First impressions and all...
Well, now that that's out of the way we can get to know each other and I can tell you my plans for this blog. I'm not going to bog you down in pointless details about my life, that doesn't matter, lets just say, I was born came of age and now here I am. This blog is meant to act as a digital platform for my artistic outlets, I'll be posting work and using this as a poor man's digi-portfolio. However, that's only one aspect, there will be plenty of rants and tangents to go around.
As you've probably noticed I don't respect the laws of grammar or sentence structure. It's not that I don't know them, I did attend elementary school you know. I just feel that sort of structure is stifling I would much rather write the way I talk.
Though, the format will be fairly straight forward, I'll post a blog or I might invite my comrade Space Cakes on over for a guest post. All things considered I'll probably use this blog as well as my networking accounts as a place to store and show-case my work. I expect to be able to start sharing my portfolio with the world in a few days. So keep yourself posted and please favorite my blog. Otherwise, how will you be able to keep up to date in a convenient and timely manner?