Sunday, September 20, 2009

That pop-shot is weed

I've been working on my portfolio, yesterday I created a rattle for my friend. Well, actually my friend and I are both in the same classes so we decided to split the work. I do all the ceramics assignments and he writes the papers. It's a win-win in my book because I don't have to stress about writing, because I hate writing papers.

I have no problems with manipulating the school system this way to tell you the truth. Actually, I see this as my true education, learning how the manipulate the environment around me to suit my interests and needs. As you probably can tell, I'm not an environmentalist in the slightest, in fact I feel most content when I'm dominating nature in some way. Be it altering the landscape, chopping off the peak of a mountain and sucking out it's ore. The planet is set to become geologically inactive in about 250 million years. So it's a futile endeavor to conserve the planet, we need to stop pumping resources into saving the planet or frivolously wasting our resources on consumer luxuries like all the various consumer products that have a bases in petroleum. Those resources could be much better spent on funding space exploration. We have an entire universe ready for colonization, even if we do encounter an intelligent alien species which I seriously doubt life is plentiful in the universe. Granted, I do feel we're not alone in the 'verse however, I'd say less than a hundred technologically advanced races in the 'verse. So we could just develop deals and markets within these societies, we could export capitalism to them. That brings me to another idea of mine, we need to turn society into a corporation, everyone works for the U.S. for example we all become government works, but instead of looking at the country in a nationalistic way it would be a bureaucracy set up to where from the cradle to the grave you're given a job and a paycheck so that even as a child you're paid to attend school for example.

Back to the point though, I feel this is the true purpose of college, to show us all how to exactly play the political game, if you're open to it then there's a bit a person can learn about what it means to be a person in society.

Learn it, Love it, Study it.

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